5 Steps You Can Take to Make Sure You Get Your Security Deposit Back 

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Picture this: you’ve found a great new place to move into and you’re ready to just get packing and enjoy living in a new home. But before you can move on, you have to make sure the last place you called home is clean, tidy and looking great because of course, you won’t be able to get your security deposit back until you do. Some people think the right thing to do is to just let it go, but that money can be applied to an investment or help you decorate your new house. 


The thing about getting your security deposit back is that it’s something you have to prepare for ahead of time, it’s something you should plan for when you first move in. When you’re now in a hurry to move into a new place, it will be hard to clean and restore the place to the standard that your landlord will be happy with. 


Here are some practical steps you can take to make sure getting your deposit back is easy and straightforward. 


Be Careful With Permanent Modifications 


When you move into a new place, even if it’s a rental, you want to make it your own, you really want it to have the homey vibe that makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable. 


You want to be able to get it to reflect your style and to fit in with the furniture that you have. You might want to mount your TV onto the wall, put up hooks for you to hang paintings and photos and perhaps paint a room a different color. You have to make this kind of decision carefully. 

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Ask First 


Before you do anything to change a rental, get permission from the landlord to find out if it’s allowed. You might be surprised that they are open to the changes because they will enhance the house and increase its value. Some owners will appreciate you making changes that modernize the home, especially if you’re going to be staying there for a while. 


Be Prepared to Restore 


If you’re going to do anything that requires drilling and painting, be prepared to fill in the holes and paint over them when it’s time to leave. If your landlord doesn’t allow permanent changes, you can unmake the place when the lease runs out. 


As long as you can put things back the way they were, you’re very likely to get your money back! 


Get An Expert 


When you decide to make any kind of change, ensure that it’s done right. The last thing you want to do is do damage to a home and create an even bigger repair bill. 


Not every home upgrade needs to be a DIY project, you might need to hire an experienced handyman to help you determine if the project is viable for the house, how much work and money it will involve and if it’s even worth doing. 


Don’t skip this important step, you might be able to avoid a very costly mistake. 


Choose Renter Friendly Options 


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You don’t have to go all the way to making permanent modifications if you want to make a home feel less like a rental. Nowadays, there are tons of things that can enhance a home, while still giving you the ease of removal when it’s time to move out. 


You will actually be surprised at how many quality materials and products are out there that can help you change your home and help the space exude your style. 


A few ideas; 

  • Beautiful wall art that can be put in place with light and removable mounting tape or on a small ledge so that you don’t have to drill nails in. 
  • Installing peel-and-stick backsplash tiles that you can easily put over existing wall tiles. It’s equally easy to remove them when you’re moving out. 
  • Peel-and-stick wallpaper that you can use to create an accent wall that can be removed in minutes. 
  • Contact paper which you can put over your kitchen counter to give it an expensive marble look. You can also use contact paper to give kitchen cabinets a simple upgrade. 


Your security deposit is not an insignificant amount of money, and taking good care of your rental is the best way to make sure you get it back. 


It isn’t just about the cash, it’s about being a responsible, reliable consumer who is able to leave things as good as or even better than how you found it. Take the right steps from the beginning, and the process of moving out will be a breeze.