How To Make Small Bath Bombs

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On my way back from a long trip, I checked into a five-star hotel. I went straight to the bathroom only for me to see the tub filled with bubbles of some type. Upon close observation, I discovered ball like objects floating in the water swirling to release a luxurious, relaxing scent. These balls further exploded into brightly colored bubbles. In fact if not for the remnants of color still swirling around in the bathtub I would have sworn I never saw this ball like object.

I had to ask for room service what these delightful items were. On finding out they were small bath bombs, I immediately went online to see if I could order a few for myself to take back home with me and possibly to distribute as a souvenir to family and friends. They would create the perfect home away from home bath experience for anyone I gifted.

My mouth hung agape when I found out just how exorbitantly priced the small bath bombs were. So I decided to make mine from scratch.

Here’s what I discovered about small bath bombs:

They are these spectacular balls of fizzy goodness, invented in 1989 by Mo Constantine, one of Lush’s founders. And they contain the chemical sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, as their principal ingredient.

Honestly, baking soda isn’t entirely good for your skin because it is a base with a high pH. High pH (alkaline or basic) products disturb the skin’s acid mantle, which protects your living tissue from the environment, mainly bacteria, like acne-causing propionibacterium acnes.

small bath bombs

The major ingredient in a bath bomb is a solid acid, such as tartaric acid (cream of tartar) or citric acid. This helps with the pH problem. It lowers the pH by reacting with the baking soda when some water is added to the mixture. When the final effect is arrived at, except the maker of the bath bombs has messed up their proportions, the final pH should be reasonably neutral. Until the water dissolves the acid and baking soda and allows them to mix at a microscopic level, nothing happens.

A note for budget DIY adventurers like me: when making small bath bombs make sure to buy all the ingredients in large quantities; this of-course will save you cost in the long run. I will show you how to make Natural bath bombs.

So here is the recipe for all bath bomb Lovers all over the world.

Tools & Materials:

  • 8 ounces baking soda
  • 4 ounces Epsom salt
  • 4 ounces cornstarch
  • 4 ounces citric acid
  • 1 Large bowl
  • A Whisk

  • Biodegradable glitter or dried flower petals (optional)
    (I used rose petals)
  • 2.5 tablespoons coconut oil (you can use any other vegetable oil)
  • Approx. 1 tablespoon water
  • Approx. 2 teaspoons essential oil (for scent)
  • 4-6 drops of food coloring, or as needed
  • 1 Small jar or bowl
  • 12-18 silicone molds

Directions for preparation:

  • Mix the dry ingredients (baking soda, Epsom salt, cornstarch, and citric acid) in a large bowl.
  • Whisk them together to make sure the mixture is clump-free. Baking soda is one of the essential ingredients in this bathtub explosion.

  • You may also add visual decorations like biodegradable glitter into the mix.
  • Now mix up the wet ingredients (includes oil, water, essential oil, and food coloring). This is quickly done by putting them in a jar and shaking them. You may decide to use cinnamon, cocoa, peppermint, or coffee scents for the holiday season (or a combination of all four scents to make a mocha-inspired bath). Or go with something elegant like a spa-like eucalyptus and lavender mix or a straight-up sugary hit of vanilla extract.
  • Slowly add the liquid elements to the dry mixture maybe like a teaspoon at a time. Whisk as you go, and slow down if things start to look fizzy. The requires result we are looking for is something like a clamped sand.
  • After the mixture has clamp together, Press the mixture down firmly into your silicone molds of choice.
  • Let the small bath bombs dry. This can take as long as 12-24 hours and make sure you do not leave it in a damp room. If your mold has a lot of extra details in it, you just might want to give them a whole day to be on the safe side.
  • You can then pop them out.

  • Throw one into the tub, kick your feet up and enjoy the explosive fruits of your labor.
  • Bag the rest up in cellophane and make your friends and family love you forever.

And there you go, you have your small bath bombs without the need to break the bank! Who says you have to go to a five-star hotel to enjoy the use of small bath bombs? With all the necessary ingredients at your fingertips and accurate directions when it comes to making your bath bombs, you just cannot go wrong.