Input And Output Recognition Of A Home Theater System

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If you like a full cinematic experience complete with kickass sound from great speakers, then a home theater system is the way to go. A home theater system is something you can quickly set up all by yourself at a meager price. When you install a surround sound system along with the home theater system, the effect is even more amazing, watching a movie or listening to music becomes a more pleasurable and enjoyable experience. If you are unfamiliar with the installation of surround sound system, here are a few tips;

Home Theater

Pick the system

Buying a surround sound system is not a hard task, there are a lot of sound systems available in the market, and you can get a packaged system, an inclusive system or you can buy the parts of the surround sound system separately. If you choose to purchase the components of the system separately, then you can start by buying the receiver first and the speakers, the speakers are usually small and made to be mounted on a wall so you may have to buy mounts for the speaker too.

Select the locations

You can choose to place your speaker in any part of your house, but the best place to put the center speaker is directly above or below the television. The right and left front speakers should be at least five to ten feet from the right and left sides of the tv. You can place the surround right and left speakers behind the right and left of wherever you are seating.

Make Cuts

Pick a place close to the location where you choose to install your receiver. When you do this, use a low-voltage cut-in box to make a little outline in the wall where there are no studs, then you cut it out with a keyhole saw. After this, cut tiny holes in the parts of the wall where you choose to mount the speakers.

Run Wires

You can either run wires in the basement of your house or your attic. Then you use a paddle and a drill to make a hole in the wall in the stud bays where you plan to mount your speakers. You should also drill a hole into the wall where the hole you made for the receiver is mounted. Then you run the wire from the location of each speaker to the place where you will install your receiver. You will need a fishing tape to run the wire through the walls; you can guide the tape with the cables in the wall into the right places.

Install speakers

First, you install the mounts for the speakers on the walls, when you install the mounts, try to hit the studs and if you cant find any studs use a drywall anchor. Then you connect the wires to the speakers and the speakers to the speaker mounts.

Finish up

To finish the installation, you can install your low-voltage cut-in box where the speakers’ wires come in for the receiver. You may decide to leave it open. Alternatively, you can install a cover plate with a two-inch hole. To connect the wire to the speakers, strip the speaker wires and attach it to a nine-volt battery. This makes a clicking sound that will help you figure out which speaker is which then you can connect each speaker to the right connector on the receiver.

To connect the receiver and test the system, first, you connect the receiver to your cable box or DVD player with a digital audio connector that is a digital coaxial, optical cable or HDMI. Then you connect the power and test the surround sound system.

Now that you have installed your surround sound system, your home theater system is complete. However, if you don’t know how to install a home theater system, here are a few tips;

Get the things you need

To install a home theater system, you will need all the components of the home theater system, a television, a DVR or VCR, a DVD player, cables and connectors, a surge protector and a surround sound receiver if you don’t have one already.

Before you set up your home theater system, it is important to consider what you need and not what looks good or the trendiest product in the market otherwise you will end up with devices that don’t suit your needs, and it will be a waste of money. Consider:

Your living space: if you have a small apartment, you may want to invest in devices that fit the size of your room. Also, if you live in a block of flats with thin walls, you may need to get small speakers. Luckily, when it comes to the price of most of these gadgets, smaller items tend to be much cheaper.

Seating arrangement: If you are concerned with the aesthetics of your living space then you will have to keep it in mind when you mount your screen and your speakers. Consider the angle of the screen and the distance between the speakers, so your room does not appear choked.

Lighting: you should take room lights and natural light from windows into consideration when you mount your television.

Acoustics: The acoustics are usually determined by the shape of the room, the materials, and furnishings in the room.

Ventilation: Make sure that the room is well ventilated for the sake of your devices and whoever plans to use them.