FAQS About Child Eye Development

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Eye development begins early in the fourth week of gestation with the formation of an optic vesicle. The optic cup (which forms the retina) is formed when two thickenings on either side of the developing eye meet in the middle, which occurs at about day 28. This marks the beginning of what is known as primary neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the process in which neurons are continuously formed in embryos, children, and adults.

FAQS about child eye development

  1. Why is early diagnosis and treatment important in the case of child eye development?

Early detection and treatment can improve or positively affect vision, which can allow kids to gain better depth perception and reduce anxiety caused by low vision. Visit https://plano.co/eye-health/development-of-the-eye/ to learn more about eye treatment options for your child. When treated early, cataracts do not have to affect a child’s development so much because if it is caught earlier, the cataract can be removed and a new lens will be put in.

  1. At what age should a child go for regular eye exams?

It is important that any child under the age of 18 receives regular eye check-ups. Children who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses need to receive evaluations on a more frequent basis. Kids do not have to be able to read letters on an eye chart in order to get an exam.

  1. Is it true that one should not rub their eyes?

No, it is not true. Rubbing your eyes actually helps move the tears over the cornea and prevent damage to the eye from various irritants such as dust or pollen. The exception to this would be if there were a foreign object stuck in the eye and one was trying to get it out. To do this, the individual would need to be blinking and looking down and up (alternating) with their eyes closed.

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  1. Can child eye development problems, such as astigmatism, be corrected after they become adults?

Yes. Because astigmatism is a problem with how the cornea is shaped, a child will not grow out of this problem. It is important that if a child has difficulty seeing far away, they should be referred to an eye care specialist as soon as possible.

  1. What age do most children’s eyes stop growing?

Children can continue to grow throughout their teenage years and sometimes during their twenties as well, but generally speaking, the growth spurt in children’s eyes usually ends by age 14.

  1. Will vision ever be perfect again after a child has reached adulthood?

When a child is first diagnosed with a visual impairment, one of the first questions parents ask is whether or not the problem will improve as their child grows up. Most visual problems will improve or be corrected by adulthood, but that does not mean that adult life will be free of vision problems.

  1. How much screen time is appropriate for a child?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Parents should monitor the child and set limits based on what they think their child can handle, but it is a good idea to encourage children to get outdoors and see the world around them instead of having them sit in front of a screen for hours at a time.


Eye care for kids is extremely important because if not treated, it can cause problems with vision later in life. So it is important to give attention to your kid’s eye health so that any defects can be handled by experts on time. It is good to note that health is wealth.

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