What Business Can I Start For Less Than $100?

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The entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds, except, perhaps financial bounds. Fortunately, that doesn’t always have to be the case. You don’t always have to have boatloads of money in order to start your own business. In fact, even if you only have $100 to your name, it’s enough to start your own successful business. 

After all, much of business isn’t related to money at all; it’s more about hard work, determination, skills, and luck. If you’re short of funds and looking for a way to enhance that, the following are some businesses you can begin for less than $100.

House painting paint

Painting houses can be a very efficient way to make money with no money. You don’t really need very much besides paintbrushes and paint. What you do need is an effective marketing strategy and that doesn’t even have to cost very much at all – you can do this by word-of-mouth, or spend a few dollars on some printed flyers and start hanging those up in your local stores and wait for the calls to roll in. 

As a painter, your work is your selling point. Start your business indoors and you’ll get away with minimal equipment and be paid well for your time and effort. You might try repainting your own home first and brighten up the trimming. Take some photos at the end that you can show potential customers. 

Window cleaning

Another business you can begin for very little money is window cleaning. You can start window cleaning with a squeegee, a bucket of water, soap, and a dry-wipe cloth. You may need to buy a small or large ladder as well, depending on how high you want to take your window cleaning skills. In general, the start-up costs for a window cleaning business run as low as $50-$75. The ladder may outprice our $100 marker, so maybe leave that for your first payment.

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Cleaning services

Cleaning houses is another business you can begin with less than $100. The costs are the same as the products you’d use for your own cleaning at home. That usually doesn’t run much higher than $50 for all the cleaning supplies. If you want to get into floor mopping and floor cleaning, which costs a little more, this is something you can add-on after you’ve received your first payment. 

Lawn care services lawn care

If you like the outdoors, then a lawn care business is perfect for you! You don’t even have to start out with your own lawnmower. Instead, offer to do other things for your clients with your own tools.


Buying a set of pruning shears and a trimmer, for example, costs less than $100, particularly if you buy used and just stipulate that your clients have their own lawnmower. Make the acquisition of a lawnmower a goal for the future. Everyone loves a manicured lawn and you’ll need to use word of mouth, social media, and paper flyers to get your business off-the-ground.

Grocery delivery service

If you own your own vehicle, then you have everything you need to start delivering groceries to people. Particularly in this day-and-age, where everyone is rightly concerned about going out and coming into contact with other people, offering a contactless delivery service for people is the perfect sub-$100 business for people who already have a vehicle. 

If you don’t have a car, then a bicycle is also an effective method of transportation for this business, you’ll just be able to deliver fewer groceries at once. But it may mean you get repeat business from clients. Don’t let the lack of a car stop you!

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Summing up 

Regardless of which business you choose to make your own, the idea that you need an investor or need to be independently somewhat wealthy in order to make it as an entrepreneur simply is not true. Particularly given the advent of technology like the Internet, which makes it so much easier to work from anywhere for a very little upfront cost. 

Starting from the bottom and working your way up will give you a sense of personal achievement and satisfaction that you’ll find almost nowhere else. You don’t need money to make a business successful, you need everything else except money.