The Best Brake Fluid

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ATE 706202 Original TYP 200 DOT 4 Brake Fluid

Our Top Pick for 2019: ATE 706202 Original TYP 200 DOT 4 Brake Fluid

Taking care of your vehicle is the most important thing that you can do as a responsible car owner. That responsibility includes replacing your brake fluid a minimum of once every two years or 30,000 miles. It is imperative that you understand what brake fluids best suit your vehicle and why it is important to go with the best one for your car. Below you will find the best brake fluids for a wide range of cars. Picking a top quality fluid will ensure safety on the road.

Let’s Have a Quick Look of Our Top 4 Picks:


#1. ATE 706202 Original TYP 200 DOT 4 Brake Fluid

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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.

The Gold Pick Winner is the ATE 706202 Original TYP 200 DOT 4 Brake Fluid. It ranks so high because of its value. It has received glowing praise from users across the globe and is a serious top performance brake fluid.

Brake fluid works by cooling the brake pads as the pedal is pushed ensuring a smooth stop when you need it. Temperatures reach high points as pressure is added to the brakes making a brake fluid necessary for maximum performance and response. With the wrong fluid you can suffer disastrous consequences.

Thankfully the TYP 200 by ATE brings you more lasting value because of the high boiling temperature. Dry boiling temperature is 536 Fahrenheit. This allows for the fluid to last upwards of 3 years depending on the vehicle. This is longer than the average brake fluid which lasts closer to 2 years. The longevity of fluid depends on many factors but if the liquid is high enough quality you can expect a long life.

ATE has pushed the science of brake fluids to new levels. A serious problem for many brakes is when vapor bubbles form causing compression to happen. The pedal can be slammed but the bubbles stop any action from happening. If bubbles are formed due to high temperatures brakes can be made ineffective. Without the ideal stop response your life will be put in jeopardy. ATE guarantees that vapor bubbles will not form when using their products correctly because boiling temperatures are not reached. With your life being a number one priority for ATE you would be wise to choose their product.

An added benefit to going with ATE is that each brake fluid that they produce has anti-aging additives that keep rust from developing inside the brake area. By choosing the TYP 200 you will be taking care of the life of your brakes. The longer the brakes live the less money that you spend on repairs and exchanges.

A well-cared for brake will not only save you money, time and energy but it can save your life. This is why it is vital to spend the extra money on the ATE TYP 200 if you can afford it. This model is known to increase the safety of your vehicle by taking care of a most important part: the brake.

Being a DOT 4 fluid means that this is of super quality. You can use it in cars that are DOT 4 and lower. However do not try to use it in a DOT 5. Chances are your vehicle will be able to use a DOT 4 fluid but check your user manual or online if you are unsure. That is a rule of thumb before buying any auto part: do your homework!

A 1 liter can of this brake fluid can be bought for around $18.00. While it is more than others it is one of the best. It meets both the SAE J1703 and FMVSS 116-DOT4 standards so you know that it is a safe and legal fluid to use.

If you want quality and are not deterred by the price give this fluid a go. Your car will love you all the more for going with one of the most powerful brake fluids on the consumer market today.

#2. MAG1 120 Premium DOT 3 Brake Fluid

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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.

The Silver Pick and Runner-Up is 120 Premium DOT 3 Brake Fluid by Mag 1. This fluid focuses on affordability, efficiency and reliability. Mag 1 is a company that is loved and respected for its quality. The 120 Premium is no exception.

The dry boiling point is 494 F making it a fine choice for many uses. Expect lots of mileage out of this fluid. The wet boiling point is 292 F. Keep in mind that the higher the boiling point the more miles you can expect to get out of a brake fluid. This is not quite as high as the ATE fluid but is still high enough to cover most uses. Make sure to replace this fluid when it is time (about 2 years) and you will more than likely never face a serious issue.

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Your safety is the prime motivator for the development of this product. The manufacturer states that this product will “exceed Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 116 and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J1703 specifications” meaning that your life and your car will be looked in good hands.

As a DOT 3 fluid this will fit in the majority of cars on the road today. Be sure that your car is DOT 3 compatible. Chances are it is but always flip through your manual to be safe. A DOT 3 glycol based product can be used with a DOT 4 or 5 but it is wise to do a full change rather than mixing products. Take every precaution you think is best and do not be afraid to bring your car to a professional for a full service on the brakes.

120 Premium is one of the top reviewed brake fluids online and for good reason. With this product your brakes will get the proper treatment that they deserve. For the price it is hard to find a reason not to try out this product. A 32 ounce can is available for just $7.95. This is almost budget level but is without a doubt professional quality.


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#3. Pentosin Super DOT 4 Brake Fluid

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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.

In the event that you need to perform aggressive stops or slam your brakes it is wise to have a DOT 4 fluid in your car. This is geared towards high speeds, top performance and quick stops. Even passenger vehicles benefit from having a product like that under their hoods or behind their breaks. A company that focuses on that is Pentosin.

Pentosin is an old Germany company founded in 1927 around Hamburg, Germany. It is a leading producer of all things automotive fluids. Their product line includes antifreeze, motor oil, hydraulic fluid and brake fluid. Each product is manufactured to serve every purpose without breaking a consumer’s bank. Their 1204116 Super DOT 4 Brake Fluid is at the top of their product line and will maximize your brake life.

The first aspect that makes this a superior product is the boiling point. Dry is will not boil until 509 F and wet at 329 F. Having such a high boiling point puts this in the line of high performance fluids that Pentosin is known to produce. The fluid works just as good in an average consumer car and can be a huge upgrade to your last fluid. Take great care when changing fluid to be sure that whatever you stick in your car works with what is in it already. If you do not know or you have questions get online and read or take your car to your trusted local mechanic. Figure out how to maximize the safety of your specific vehicle.

The requirements for DOT standards are met and exceeded by Pentosin in this product so you know what you are getting. You can expect long life and no hiccups in your breaks no matter the speed or pressure of the brake pedal. If you want to sleep easy knowing your next drive will have responsive brakes then go with the Super DOT 4 fluid. It is regarded by industry professionals as an excellent utility that sets the bar quite high for competing brands.

You can own a 1 liter bottle of this product for $12.00. It is a good buy and will guarantee thousands of miles of top performance and safety in your brakes.

#4. Prestone AS800Y DOT 4 Synthetic Brake Fluid

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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.

If you are on a tight budget or want to try a new brand of brake fluids without blowing your life’s savings you should check out the Prestone AS800Y. This is another DOT 4 synthetic fluid that introduces you to the world of top shelf fluids while saving you a few dollars.

This product is good for anti-lock breaking systems, drum brakes, disc brakes and hydraulic clutches. Higher end cars will have more advanced braking systems that more often that not require better fluids to operate at maximum efficiency. The AS800Y performs as needed and can be expected to last for more than a couple of years with normal everyday use as well as for professional track-level driving. Drivers across all fields rely on this product every year to get them from point A to point B in one piece with the least resistance.

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Every part of a car, truck or other vehicle works in harmony with the rest of the machine. If any one part begins to cause dissonance it is not uncommon to see accidents happen. Keeping each and every part of your vehicle in the best shape possible is key to an accident-free driving experience. This importance is not minimized when it comes to brake fluids. Such a seemingly small part of maintenance often gets overlook when maintaining a car. This is more than true for the average driver. That is why it is vital to know why this fluid is there, what it does and how to best use it for your car.

Prestone fires on all cylinders with the AS800Y. This product will sustain high temperatures and coat your brakes to protect them from rusting and other malfunctions that occur through basic wear and tear.

Pre-purchase considerations

Brake Life and DOT Rating

Certain fluids will last longer than others. Those with low temperature thresholds can be expected to cause more wear on your brakes in a shorter amount of time.

Consider your driving habits. If you drive in cities and at slow to moderate speeds a DOT 3 would be fine. However, if you do more driving on highways and interstates, or you are a professional race car driver, you should look into grabbing a fluid that is at least a DOT 4.

The better the quality of the fluid the longer your brakes will last. Remember that the higher the DOT number the longer life, better value and higher temperatures your brakes will be able to handle. Know yourself and your vehicle and purchase what fits into your lifestyle.

Price Value

You should weigh the cost of brake fluids versus the amount of liquid, the functions provided and the quality of the brand.

There are plenty of low cost options available on the market. Low cost does not equal poor quality. With some products that do cost more you can generally expect a longer life of your brakes.

It is important to figure out a budget set aside for car maintenance. Figure out what you need each year while factoring in random expenses that could pop up at any time. Inside of this budget leave room for fluids including those used on your brakes. If you change the fluid every 2-3 years you will not need more than $20 for this.


If you rarely change your brake fluids you are doing yourself a disservice. You are putting yourself in danger each time you get on the road. Consider safety to be a priority when shopping for new products.

Go with brands that meet or exceed any regulations set by the Department of Transportation. Study what makes a fluid safe and pick one that will make driving less of a dangerous activity.

Frequency of Fluid Change

The frequency of needing to change your fluids is a good indicator of a great product. If you need to change it often you will be wasting money as there are much better ones to go with.

A solid model will give you a minimum of two years of normal use. This increases slightly with a DOT 4 and DOT 5 level of brake fluids. The last thing that you want is to be stuck changing out fluids every six months or so after nothing more than normal driving.

Read what others are saying about the product you are looking at dropping money on. If users love it and report that it saves them trips to the mechanic then you can be safe that it is one worth checking out. Never put yourself in a position that will keep you spending money when it can be saved.

Conclusion (Wrapping it up)

There are enough choices of automobile parts manufacturers that it is easy to be frozen in inactivity when it comes to buying a part. This speaks true to the world of brake fluids as you can find so many options to choose from.

No matter if you look online, locally or in a magazine you should learn what makes a fluid powerful. Study your own car. See what works best and go with a product that focuses on safety, endurance and cost effectiveness.

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