The Best Toilet Brush

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simplehuman Toilet Brush

Our Top Pick for 2018: simplehuman Toilet Brush
Read our full review.

There are very few people on the planet who would say that cleaning toilets is their favorite thing to do. The truth is that cleaning toilets is a necessary evil. It’s a chore that we have to do to keep our bathroom smelling clean and to keep it sanitary. It’s one of those jobs that we try to do well, but we try to do as quickly as possible with as little contact with the toilet as we can manage. Let’s be honest, cleaning toilets is just gross. However, the entire process can be made a lot easier if we have the right tool for the job. For this reason, we are going to review toilet bowl brushes. As with all of our reviews, our brushes are going to be divided into a gold, silver, bronze, and budget category.

Let’s Have a Quick Look of Our Top 4 Picks:


#1. simplehuman Toilet Brush

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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.

We picked to the simplehuman toilet brush as our gold product after we took some time to think about what you really need to clean your toilet efficiently. The first thing we looked at was the ability of the toilet brush to scrub the entire toilet effectively as well as reach every single part of the toilet. The simplehuman product is able to do this because it has a uniquely shaped crescent brush. This design allows it to reach into all of the hard-to-reach places of the toilet, including the lip underneath the toilet as well as the draining hole.

As everyone knows that from time to time, your toilet will get some build up on it that is difficult to remove. The simplehuman addresses this thanks to its stiff outer bristles. They are stiff enough that you can use them to scrub grimy areas on your toilet with force. It can remove even the toughest stains.

Now, as we said in our introduction, cleaning toilets is gross. And the absolute last thing that you want is for any of the toilet water or toilet residue to drip on you while you are cleaning the toilet. With the simplehuman, unwanted dripping is not a problem. This is because this brush has a unique drip free design. It has a magnetic collar that allows you to adhere the cover to the stainless steel rod. As a result, you can carry the cover and the rod were ever you want, and you don’t have to worry about it dripping.

Another bonus is the fact that it has a stainless steel rod. This means that you can clean and apply as much force as you need to the brush without worrying about the rod bending, snapping, or leaving you in an awkward position where you have to fish parts of a broken brush out of the toilet.

Once you have finished cleaning a toilet, you don’t want to think about it again. The simplehuman product makes this happen because it has a dome-shaped cover. It has a very slim profile, so you can store your toilet brush in a location that is out of sight. It’s discreet, it’s hygienic, and as toilet brushes go, the entire ensemble is very attractive.

When the time comes to replace your toilet brush, you can simply buy a new head, quickly screw it on, and the entire product is as good as new. The cover for your brush is easy to clean, and it is uniquely designed to allow the toilet brush head to dry completely.

The product is light, weighing only 1.1 pounds. It is long enough for you to clean your toilet from a safe distance, but it is also short enough to allow you to clean around the bowl. Its handle has a comfortable grip, so you can exert some force without worrying about it slipping out of your hand. Its dimensions are 7.3 x 3.7 x 18.6”.

Over 100 reviewers on gave the simplehuman a perfect 5.0 out of 5.0 score. Some of their comments include praise for the appearance of the product as well as its convenience. Surprisingly, many people who purchased this product commented on the fact that they got compliments from people who visited their home on the appearance of their toilet brush. This is definitely something that you cannot say with most conventional toilet brushes.

The simplehuman toilet brush is sleek, it is simple, and best of all it works. It is definitely a must have for any modern bathroom.

#2. OXO Good Grips Hideaway Compact Toilet Brush

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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.

When we looked at the OXO Good Grips Hideaway toilet brush, there were a lot of things about it that stood out. The very first thing we looked at is how well this toilet brush was able to reach all parts of the toilet. We found that it did a good job thanks in part to its dimensions. The toilet brush is compact, with dimensions of 4.25” x 4” x 17”. This means that you can easily maneuver around the toilet bowl. However, thanks to its 17 inch length, it’s long enough that you can do your work without needing to have your face right in the toilet, which we can all agree is gross.

The toilet brush is equipped with very hard bristles. It is perfect for scrubbing accumulated grime in an effective way. You will have no problem cleaning out the area underneath the lip of the toilet, as well as any residue that has accumulated inside the toilet bowl.

The next thing that we looked at was the canister that is used to hold the toilet brush when it is not in use. We liked how the canister door automatically opens when you lift the toilet brush, so your hands will never need to come into contact with the bristles of the toilet brush. When you’re storing the brush or when you are removing it, you only need to grasp the product by the handle. Something else that we liked is that the canister is designed with a drip tray and an area for ventilation. This means that any water that is left on the toilet brush is going to evaporate quickly. There will be no yucky mess of accumulated water mixed with other things we don’t even want to think about sitting in the canister after you clean your toilet.

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In addition to looking at how the product works when you are using it, we focused on how the product looks when it’s stored away. And as the name of the product implies, this toilet brush is designed to be hidden away. It has a very compact footprint. It’s perfect for small places. You can basically hide it behind your toilet, underneath your sink, or in another location. It’s never going to attract any unwanted attention.

Finally, we looked at the handle. It’s sturdy. You can put some force on this handle, and you’re not going to worry about it buckling on you in some awkward way. It is a quality product that you can use with confidence.

It seems like reviewers on agree with our assessment. More than 400 people gave this product a perfect 5 out of 5 stars when they reviewed it. Some of the reasons why they liked it is because the brush is small and unobtrusive, and it is easy to stick behind the toilet. One reviewer commented that the handle was not too short and was perfect for its intended task.

Another reviewer said that he has used his fair share of toilet brushes, but in his opinion this product is superior. He likes the amount of bristles on the end and how effectively this brush can clean bad stains away. He also commented on how much he appreciated the storage solution. He says, “it nicely hides everything so you can keep it in your bathroom without scaring people away.”

Really, there are two things that you should want from a toilet brush. First, you want it to clean your toilet. Second, you want a clean and sanitary place to store it. On both accounts, the OXO Good Grips Hideaway toilet brush more than meets expectations. You will be happy with this product.


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#3. Home Basics Bronze Toilet Brush with Holder

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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.

We did not choose the Home Basics bronze toilet brush to be our bronze product because the color it has in common. Instead, we chose this product because it offers a variety of features, is attractive, and individuals who have used this product have great things to say about it.

This toilet brush has a bronze stand that discreetly stores the toilet brush in the bathroom. It has an attractive finish, almost adding a slight decorative piece to your bathroom. It is on the small side, at 4.5″ x 15″, which means that it will nicely fit alongside the toilet or even behind it. The brush is connected to the lid, which makes grabbing and using it easy. It weighs 12 ounces, and its complete dimensions are 4.5 x 4.5 x 15.5 inches.

One of the great things about having a toilet brush with this type of container is that you will be able to keep the floor clean and dry after using the product. There’s no concern about contaminated water dripping onto the floor, leaving behind a smelly odor or potentially touching the feet of you or your family. The canister is metal as well as the lid and outer handle. The inner handle and brush are plastic.

We were impressed with what people on had to say about the Home Basics product. Out of the more than 700 individuals who have reviewed the product, more than 60 percent gave it a perfect score. Overall, it has a 4.3 out of five star rating. One of the things that individuals say time and again is how much they like the bronze color and how nice it looks in their bathroom.

One individual who left a review of this product listed all of the pros and cons. On the pros side, they said that the product was attractive, it had a metal canister and metal cap, which meant it was durable, and they like the price. On the con side, they mentioned that when they clean the toilet with this brush, it hits the top of the toilet bowl. They found that it makes it difficult for them to clean under the rim of the toilet.

Another individual said that it was discrete, effective, and attractive. They said that when they ordered the product, they thought it would be taller. However, they are very happy with its size since it can discreetly be tucked against the wall behind the toilet. They say it functions well and are pleased with the product overall.

#4. MR. SIGA Soft Bristle Toilet Brush with Holder

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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.

The MR. SIGA brush offers a variety of unique features, will last a long time, and it is more than affordable. Our budget product has soft bristle fibers in order to clean the toilet and get rid of dirt. It has an under rim brush, which means no more awkward positioning or difficulty cleaning the rim of the toilet. It has a non-scratch brush, so you will never have to worry about the porcelain getting scratched or ruined.

It comes with a plastic holder, leaving your floor free of dirty toilet water after the job of cleaning the toilet has been done. And since the plastic container allows the brush to hang, the brush will not sit inside dirty water. You can easily dump the water that collects out or allow it to dry. The MR. SIGA tool is blue and white. Since the dimensions are 4.7 x 4.7 x 16.1 inches, it can easily be tucked behind the toilet or put in another discrete area. It weighs 9 ounces.

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Overall, reviewers on Amazon who have used this product give it a pretty decent score. Forty-one individuals have reviewed this product, and it has a 3.9 out of five star rating. One individual who commented on the products said that it was just what they were looking for. They said that someone got smart about the design of a toilet brush and came up with the MR. SIGA. They like the fact that it was plastic and would not scratch porcelain like the nylon brushes that are typical with other products.

Even though multiple reviewers have said that they like the fact that the brushes are plastic and have had no problem cleaning the bowl and rim of the toilet, some individuals feel that it is too soft and would have preferred to just buy a toilet brush from a local dollar store or another cheap place.

We feel that the MR. SIGA is a great budget option. It will last a long time, get the job of cleaning the toilet done, and will hang dry.

Pre-purchase considerations


You want a handle that is going to be long enough to allow you to clean your toilet bowl from a distance. You should not have to put your face into the toilet bowl in order to adequately clean up any grime inside. However, you need the length of the handle to be short enough to allow you to maneuver all the way around the bowl without the handle getting in the way. A good length is between 16 and 18 inches.


Some toilet brushes are made with a handle that is plastic and flimsy. This is the last thing that you want because as you know, toilet grime is some of the most difficult grime to remove. You will find yourself putting a lot of force on the handle, and if it is not sturdy enough, it will snap. Some brushes have handles that are made out of stainless steel, wood, or a hardened plastic. You want to avoid handles that are made from materials that might rust, as oxidation will weaken the strength of the handle.


Although you do not want the bristles on your toilet brush to be as stiff as those on a brush for cleaning off your barbecue grill, you still want them to be stiff enough to allow you to clean off any grime from your toilet bowl. A good brush is going to maintain its stiffness even when it is wet. However, it is not going to be so stiff that it will scratch the porcelain.


There are very few things that are as unsanitary as a toilet bowl brush. For this reason, you want to make sure that you are able to put it away in a secure container that does not allow moisture or unsanitary particles to contaminate your bathroom. A good drying canister is going to store the brush a few inches off the ground. It will have adequate ventilation to allow any moisture on the brush or any moisture that is dripped off to evaporate quickly.


The head on your toilet brush will eventually wear out. You want to be able to replace the head in a simple way. It is good to check with the manufacturer to make sure that they offer replaceable heads, otherwise you will find yourself purchasing a brand-new brush every year or so when you need to replace the head.


While aesthetics are probably the last thing you think about when purchasing a toilet brush, something that you have to remember is that even though your toilet brush usually sits on the side of your toilet or behind your toilet, it is still something that your guests are going to see. Nothing can detract from a well designed and decorated bathrooms more than an ugly toilet brush mucking up the works. Many toilet brush canisters are designed to seamlessly fit into the design of your bathroom.

Conclusion (Wrapping it up)

For a utensil that you do not think a lot about, there are a lot of factors to consider when purchasing a toilet brush. First and foremost, you want one that is going to keep your toilet clean. If it has a fancy canister, an ergonomic handle, and looks like it should be a work of art, but it doesn’t clean your toilet, it’s pretty much worthless. A good toilet brush will not only improve the cleanliness of your bathroom, but it will improve the sanitary conditions of your entire home.

We hope that our review of the four best toilet brushes available today has given you some food for thought. We hope that it serves as a basis for helping you to make the right decision when it comes time to replace your toilet brush.

Discussion and comments

We want to know what you think. Do you own any of the products we discussed? Which did you buy and how did it work out for you?

Do you know of an even better product?

Comment below and help your fellow consumers make the right choice. Over to you!


  1. John Lewis, Toilet Brushes,, 2016
  2. Mobility Choices, OXO Good Grips Compact Toilet Brush Demonstration,, March 7, 2014
  3. simplehuman, simplehuman Black Toilet Cleaning Brush,, June 10, 2014
  4. Kevin Purdy, The Best Toilet Brush, October 26, 2015
  5. DaBest Review, top 10 best toilet brushes in 2015 reviews,, 2015
  6. 10 Best Reviews, Top 10 Best Toilet Cleaning Brushes in 2016,, 2016

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