Tips for Stretching at Home How It Can Help With Sciatica

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At some point in their lives, many people suffer from troublesome pain that forces them to curtail activities. This could take the form of chronic knee pain, persistent back pain or some other condition. If you currently have an issue, it makes sense to search for physical therapy near me and begin a treatment program. If you have sciatica, a common form of back and leg pain, you will likely see benefits after only one or two treatments.

What Is Sciatic Pain

The condition known as sciatica refers to pain that comes from the sciatic nerve. This significant nerve goes from the buttocks area and continues down each leg. The pain associated with sciatica, which can often rise to very painful levels, follows the length of the sciatic nerve. Causes of sciatica include a herniated disk in the lower back, a bone spur in this region, spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the spine canal) and other conditions that put pressure on the lumbar area.  

The symptoms of inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve vary with each person. The most frequent sympoms of sciatica inlude the following:

  • A mild ache to sharp pain
  • A numb feeling or tingling 
  • A sudden pain when sneezing or coughing
  • A feeling of muscle weakness

While sciatic nerve pain can go away on its own, you should consult with medical professionals if the pain remains sharp and if the pain lingers for more than a week. The office of physical therapy Yukon will have a team of professionals on hand who understand how to treat this common condition. The treatment program will begin with a thorough physical examination and a discussion focused on your concerns. The facility will have all of the equipment necessary to bring steady, long-term relief to your condition. 


Stretches That Help Relieve Pain

Your physical therapists will use techniques such as manual manipulation of the area and stretching and strengthening exercises. You can do these exercises during your office appointment, and you will also have the ability to continue some exercises at home. This will speed up your recovery. 

Your therpist will show you the proper way to do a seated glute stretch, which loosens up the large muscles of the lower back and hips. You might also do a sitting spinal stretch which creates space in the lower spine to relieve pressure on the nerve. A standing hamstring stretch has you stand with one foot on the floor and the other foot on the seat of a chair; you then tilt forward toward the chair until you feel a stretch in the hamstring.

Whether you go to Moore physical therapy or another office, your physical therapist will make sure you do the right exercises and do them correctly. The therapist will also go over how frequently you should try to do the exercises and how often you should come into the office for treatment.

If you suffer from lower back pain and leg pain, do not wait too long for treatment. A physical therapy treatment program can speed up your recovery and reduce the pain you feel.