What Information Do Energy Comparison Websites Ask For?

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Electricity prices are a major utility expense for Australian households. As per recent data, the average electricity bill in Sydney, New South Wales is $1292 per year. 

The Australian government has taken several initiatives to make energy affordable to Australian consumers. Australia’s National Electricity Market follows an open grid model where generation companies and energy work together to provide electricity to consumers. 

Australia has enacted laws that allow consumers to choose their energy retailers and electricity plans as per their needs. If you think your electricity bills are high and want to know more about cheaper electricity plans, visit https://www.econnex.com.au/cheap-electricity-plan/.

Why Use Energy Comparison Websites?

Energy comparison websites provide information about all cheap electricity plans offered by different electricity retailers serving your suburb. It allows you to compare electricity plans from different electricity retailers and get a clear picture of savings. 

All you need to do is enter the required information, and the energy comparison website will compare electricity plans from different electricity retailers. It will then provide information about cheaper electricity plans. 

What Information Do You Need to Fill In?

Post Code

Firstly, you need to enter the postcode of your region. When you enter the postcode, the website will list all suburbs that fall in that region. Select your suburb to move to the next step.


Type of Energy Plan

Energy comparison websites allow you to compare energy plans for gas and electricity. Select the electricity option and proceed to the next step if you are looking for cheap electricity plans only. 

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Type of Property

There are two types of electricity consumers – residential and businesses. You need to select the correct type of property for which you want an energy plan. 

Rooftop Solar Panels

As per Clean Energy Regulator Data, Australia has more than 2.68 million rooftop solar power systems instaled as of 31 December 2020. 

Australian consumers who have rooftop Solar PV systems instaled can export surplus electricity generated by their solar system to the National Power Grid. The retailers account for the electricity injected by the consumer’s solar system into the power grid and provide energy credits as per the current energy plan. 

The energy comparison websites ask for details about the rooftop solar systems to provide the right energy plans that include solar energy export tariffs. 

Life Support Equipment

The Australian government offers a Life Support Energy Rebate that helps eligible households to cover their energy bills. If any person in your house uses life support equipment, you need to select Yes. 

Moving Information

If you plan to leave the suburb after a few months or a year or have a scheduled date for moving, you must provide the required information. 


Australian States like NSW, Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia provide different concessions to help residents save on energy bills. 

For example, Victoria offers Annual Electricity Concession, Medical Cooling Concession, Life Support Concession, and Service to Property Charge Concession and Controlled Load electricity concession. 

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If you are eligible to receive any concessions or have been receiving them, you need to mention the concession amount you receive from the government.


Personal Details 

The last step involves providing personal details like Name, email address, and phone number. The energy comparison website will list all energy plans offered by energy retailers for your suburb.