The Best Vitamin C Supplement
Our Top Pick for 2019: Nature’s Way Vitamin C 1000
Ascrobic acid (Vitamin C) is a water-soluble antioxidant that the human body cannot produce on its own. Countless studies have shown it be a highly versatile vitamin that plays many different roles in strengthening the immune system. Due to its potential to mitigate cold and flu symptoms, Vitamin C is an especially popular supplement during the chillier seasons. Vitamin C can be naturally found in a number of different foods and juices, including broccoli, kiwis, tomato juice, orange juice, and green peppers; however, simply taking a Vitamin C tablet can be a more convenient way for people to meet their daily recommended intake on the go. There are thousands of different options for Vitamin C supplementation through tablets and capsules, and the following examples are some of the best-reviewed options on the orthomolecular medicine market.
Let’s Have a Quick Look of Our Top 4 Picks:
#1. Nature’s Way Vitamin C 1000
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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.
Nature’s Way Vitamin C-1000 is manufactured in the form of soft gel capsules. Many customers report that the soft gel capsules are easier to swallow than hard pills or tablets. Every individual Vitamin C-1000 soft gel capsule is full-sized and contains 1,000 milligrams of ascorbic acid.
There are two different sizes of the Vitamin C-1000 container available for purchase; the smaller size comes with 100 soft gel capsules, and the larger size comes with 250 soft gel capsules. One soft gel capsule equates to a single serving size, and customers are advised to take their servings alongside meals. If the customer takes one capsule a day, the 100-capsule container will last for slightly over three months, and the 250-capsule container will last for slightly over eight months.
There are no artificial ingredients or preservatives included in the formula for Nature’s Way Vitamin C-1000. There is no gelatin, yeast, lactose, wheat, sugar or soy content in the capsules. In addition to containing 1000 milligrams of ascorbic acid, all of the soft gel capsules contain 25 milligrams of rose hips for additional ascorbic acid content. Additional natural ingredients in the capsules include gelatin and magnesium stearate. Aside from the 25 milligrams of rose hips, the additional ingredients making up the Vitamin C-1000 formula are of a minor but unspecified quantity.
The 100-count container of Nature’s Way Vitamin C-1000 is available for the price of $9.91, which gives each capsule an approximate $0.10 value. The 250-count container can be purchased $19.98, giving each of the capsules an approximate $0.08 value. A twin pack of two 250-count containers can be purchased for $42.99, and a a multi-pack consisting of three 250-count containers can be purchased for $63.40.
One customer testified that the supplement is one of the best antioxidants that they’ve ever invested in. The customer stated that he felt his cardiovascular health was in much better condition while taking the supplement on a daily basis. Because their diet didn’t contain many foods with a naturally high amount of ascorbic acid, the customer felt that the supplement was highly convenient way to get a proper daily Vitamin C intake without going too far out of their way.
Another customer testified that they had been taking Nature’s Way Vitamin C-1000 capsules on a daily basis for a year straight, and as a result, they found that their immune system was better-fortified. The customer claimed that because of their constant supplementation with the product, they hadn’t experienced a single case of the flu in over 2.5 years.
One customer mentioned that Nature’s Way Vitamin C-1000 did not serve as an immediate cure for their influenza, but when taken as a proactive measure at the first instance of symptoms, it lessened the intensity of the symptoms by a great margin. They had originally only been interested in Nature’s Way Vitamin C-1000 because of the rose hips inclusion, but with time, it came to be one of their favorite supplements in general.
The overall reception to Nature’s Way Vitamin C-1000 has been resoundingly positive. No customers have reported any adverse side effects to have occurred as a direct a result of taking the supplement on a consistent basis. The majority of reviewers testified that daily dosages of the supplement gave them a satisfying and consistent boost in immune dense.
There are some customers who reported that the size of the soft gel capsules were slightly larger than they had initially anticipated, but still easy to swallow nevertheless. While some customers claimed that they took daily dosages of up to 4000 milligrams of Vitamin C, it is still strongly advised that most people limit their ascorbic acid intake to no more than 2,0000 milligrams a day.
#2. NOW Foods Vitamin C-1000 Sustained Release
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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.
NOW Foods Vitamin C-1000 is manufactured in gel caps. Though the gel caps are soft, customers report that they do not stick together in the container. Every gel cap constitutes a single 1000 milligram serving of Vitamin C. Like the Nature’s Way soft gels, the formula for NOW Foods gel caps also includes 25 milligrams of rose hips.
The standard container holds 250 gel caps and is available for $14.99, giving each individual gel cap an approximate value of about $0.06 per count. Customers also have the option of buying a dual set of two 250-count containers for $30.73. Many customers have reported that they experienced the best results from the supplement when taking one gel cap in the morning and another gel cap at night, totaling 2,000 milligrams every 24 hours.
Another similarity that the NOW Foods Vitamin C-1000 brand has to the Nature’s Way Vitamin C-1000 brand is the exclusion of artificial preservatives. There are no traces of sugar, salt, years, wheat, gluten, corn, soy or milk in the gel caps.
The key selling point of the supplement is its “sustained release” feature. Ideally, a sustained release rate of Vitamin C would be conducive for a higher rate of overall absorption from every dosage.
One customer testified that regularly taking the supplement helped them properly adjust to a liver transplant that they needed to receive while undergoing treatment for Hepatitis C. They claimed that because of their daily dosage of the supplement, their blood work report consistently showed a lower viral count. Overall, they believed that the gel caps had a stabilizing effect on their blood platelets and white blood cell count levels.
Another customer testified that taking a daily dosage of the gel caps helped to diminish a dry burn in their chest caused by a persistent cold that had lasted for several days prior. After taking NOW Foods Vitamin C, they reported that they could breathe through their nose properly once again.
In another testimony, a customer recalled when they had been dealing with a case of influenza that was severe enough to result in 10 days of sick leave from work. Even after going through several prescribed drugs, they just hadn’t been able to get any relief from their symptoms.
The customer eventually reached out to their brother for advice, who told them that he hadn’t felt any flu-like symptoms for over 30 years. The customer’s brother claimed that NOW Foods Vitamin C-1000 was responsible for keeping their immune system consistently tough.
The customer decided to take their brother’s advice, and they testified that after only a single week of taking a daily 2,000 milligram dosage of the Vitamin C supplement, they finally felt the severity of the symptoms fade away.
While most customers had a positive reception to their megadoses, there were also some reports of less favorable side effects from exceeding 2,000 milligrams. Several customers did experience cases of mild bowel irritation from slightly overdoing their dosages. Anther customer reported that taking a particularly large dose of the supplement resulted in a persistent aching sensation in their joints.
A number of the customers testified that the relatively large size of the gel caps could take some getting used to. If you tend to have a hard time washing down full-sized gel caps, you may have an easier time with the chewable Vitamin C supplement variations.
Overall, the majority of customers reported that taking the supplement generally mitigated their cold symptoms and occasionally even cut the duration of their influenza in half. Some customers also reported that the supplement helped to alleviate the nasal congestion caused by their seasonal allergies.
#3. Solaray C Two-Stage Timed Release Supplement
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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.
The Solaray Two-Stage Timed Release supplement provides customers with Vitamin C in vegetarian capsules. Unlike the gelatin capsules commonly used by other brands, vegetarian capsules are composed of cellulose instead of animal-based ingredients. Each of the individual capsules is slightly larger than an Advil pill.
Each Solaray capsule contains a single 1000-milligram serving of Vitamin C. A standard container of Solaray Vitamin C holds 100 capsules and is priced at $9.36, giving each capsule an approximate $0.09 value. The larger container that holds 250 capsules is available for $19.70, which gives the capsules a $0.08 per count value.
The Solaray manufacturer suggests that customers take one capsule in the morning and another capsule in the evening, which would add up to a 2000 milligram intake of supplementary Vitamin C per day. If customers heed the manufacturer’s daily dosage suggestion, then much like the aforementioned Vitamin C brands, the smaller container will last for approximately three months and the larger container will last for approximately eight months.
Similar to the NOW Food’s brand, Solaray Vitamin-C capsules are designed to have a buffered release rate for optimal absorption. The manufacturer bills the buffered release feature as as “two-stage time release”, which should ideally provide half of the ascorbic acid immediately after ingestion and the other half gradually distributed over a period of 12 hours.
In addition to the gram of ascorbic acid, the Solaray capsules also contain a blend of additional ingredients in smaller, unspecified quantities. The additional ingredients include acerola cherry, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, rose hips, and silica.
One customer reported that they were surprised to find that the capsules appeared slightly yellowed upon opening the container, but after cracking a capsule open, they confirmed that the powder itself was white and that the yellow tone was purely cosmetic.
The customer testified that their experience with the Solaray capsules was very positive overall. Unlike certain other vitamin supplements that the customer recalled taking, they reported that Solaray’s capsules did not give them stomach aches or any other adverse side effects. The customer’s approximate dosage was about 4,000 milligrams of Vitamin C per day; naturally, results from this dosage level may vary between different people.
Another customer testified that they had initially begun supplementing with Solaray Vitamin C to treat a persistent cold. The customer claimed that prior to taking the supplement, their throat was too sore to speak or even sleep properly. Initially, the customer was hesitant to give the supplement a try due to a history of experiencing stomach agitation from other vitamin supplements; however, they were relieved to find that Solaray Vitamin C came in soft capsules with grounded powder instead of large, solid and hard-to-swallow pills.
After two days of taking a single 1000-milligram dosage per day, the customer reported that their sore throat had practically disappeared. The customer was doubly pleased that the Vitamin C supplementation made it slightly easier for them to cope with the effects of their hypothyroidism.
In another testimony, a customer spoke of a time when they’d voiced concerns to their doctor about a possible adrenaline leak. After taking several doses prescribed pill to address the problem, they were rendered bedridden for three days straight. The customer started to consider Vitamin C supplementation after seeing an advertisement for it on TV, and soon thereafter, they ordered a batch of Solaray Vitamin C-1000 capsules.
The customer testified that taking the Solaray capsules gave them the first genuine experience of relief that they’d experienced in over twenty years. They had forgotten what it was like to get a full night of quality rest, but after taking Vitamin C, they were able to put their sleep problems completely behind them. Solaray was far more affordable for them than the unsuccessful prescribed drugs they had taken in vain before.
#4. Nature Made Vitamin C 500mg
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*Price typically updated every 24 hours. Current price may be different.
Nature Made Vitamin C is manufactured in tablets rather than gelatin or vegetarian capsules. There are 130 tablets available in the standard Nature Made container. A single order is priced at $7.09, which gives each tablet an approximate $0.05 value.
The ascorbic acid concentration of Nature Made tablets is only half that of the typical Vitamin C supplements. There are 500 milligrams of Vitamin C in each tablet, which means that a single container wouldn’t last quite as long as other supplements if the customer took daily megadoses. However, even at 500 milligrams, each individual tablet still constitutes 833% of the daily minimum recommended dietary intake for Vitamin C.
Despite the lower overall concentration of ascorbic acid, Nature Made tablets still contain a marginal inclusion of additional ingredients. The additional ingredients ingredients include corn starch, cellulose gel, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, rose hips, silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.
Nature made is certified by USP to have the exact ingredients specified on the label. The exact quantities of the minor additional ingredients are no specified, but none of them have been linked to any known adverse side effects to date. Many customers speak highly of the supplement an affordable form of cold season and flu season medicine.
One customer testified that taking daily dosages of Nature Made Vitamin C helped them on their diabetes management regimen. They claimed that an unexpected but positive effect provided by the tablets was a heightened ability to regulate their daily sugar intake.
While the dosage per serving isn’t quite as high as other leading brands, it could serve as a reliable entryway brand for people who are looking to gauge just how well their body responds to Vitamin C supplementation. If the ideal effects manifest, then customers can confidently scale up their supplementation to a brand that provides more ascorbic acid per dosage.
Pre-purchase considerations
Endocrine System Support
The endocrine system is made up of all the parts of your body that play a part in maintaining your hormonal balance. Your hormonal balance will be at an optimal level if your body has strong cell integrity and a well-fortified immune system; Vitamin C supplementation facilitates both of these conditions.
Vitamin C supplementation also facilitates more thorough wound healing, decreases your body’s rate of inflammation, and lessens the likelihood of forming cancers. Simply by remembering to take a daily Vitamin C tablet, you can bring your endocrine system closer to its maximum potential for resilience against all kinds of threats.
Naturally, the Vitamin C tablets will only be able to work as well as your external environment is conducive to healing. These supplements can indeed help you, but first, take a moment to consider your overall emotional well-being, stress level, and physical state. Stress depletes the ascorbic acid that your adrenal glands use to fight off diseases. Leading a relatively active lifestyle and getting adequate rest will increase the likelihood that Vitamin C benefits will fully manifest.
Anti-Infective Qualities
If you have a history of struggling with influenza or the common cold, then Vitamin C’s effect on the symptoms may interest you. Influenza typically incubates anywhere from 1 to 4 days before the symptoms fully emerge, but if proactively treated at the earliest stage of incubation, it’s possible to minimize them.
There has always been a lot of interest in the anti-infective efficacy of Vitamin C for respiratory and cardiovascular infections. In 1991, investigators ran an experiment to examine whether or not large doses of Vitamin C would have any significant effect on cold and flu symptoms. The sample group consisted of 715 students between the ages of 18 and 32. The control group contained 463 students between the ages of 18 and 32, and the the experimental group was made up of 252 students between the ages of 18 and 30.
Throughout the 1991 investigation, flu-like symptoms observed in the control group were compared to those observed in the experimental group. The control group received pain relievers and anti-congestion medicine, while the experimental group received three daily megadoses of Vitamin C. The results demonstrated that the experimental group’s symptoms were diminished by 85% more than the control group’s symptoms on average.
Dosage, Value, and Necessity
The price for single order of any of these supplements, either for a single unit or a multi-pack, ranges between $7.09 and $63.40. Each of the container sizes equates to a different value per dosage of the Vitamin C tablets held within.
Nature’s Way and NOW Food’s both offer single 250-count containers that would last for approximately 8 months of daily dosages between $0.06 and $0.08 per count. Solaray also offers a 250-count container with a $0.08 per count value, but the difference lies in the dosage recommendation. Solaray Vitamin-C tablets, unlike Nature’s Way tablets, are recommended by the manufacturer to be taken twice a day instead of only once. If taken at the recommended rate, a Solaray container would only last about half as long for the same value.
Nature Made Vitamin C tablets are offered for the lowest price-per-count at $0.05, but each tablet contains only half as much Vitamin C (500mg) compared to other three options. In addition to a lower total Vitamin C concentration per tablet, the Nature Made brand only offers a 130-count container, unlike the alternatives that offer 250-count containers.
Before buying, it’s important to consider the level of Vitamin C intake that you have with your current dietary habits. The recommended minimum daily Vitamin C intake for adults is between 65 and 90 milligrams. Medical professionals strongly advise that people keep their daily Vitamin C supplementation under a limit of 2,000 milligrams. Exceeding 2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C within 24 hours could potentially lead to diarrhea and nausea.
Bone, Cartilage, Hair, and Eye Wellness
The overall value that Vitamin C offers as a restorative agent for bones, cartilage, and scar tissue has been well-documented. Several clinical studies have demonstrated observable evidence for potential correlative links between Vitamin C supplementation and various structural/cosmetic benefits for the body.
Investigators at Kyungpook National University discovered that ascorbic acid may potentially reduce certain proteins responsible for hair loss while facilitating growth hormones conducive to hair growth.
Clinical Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS) conducted by the National Eye Institute (NEI) demonstrated a notable relationship between antioxidant vitamins and the reduced effect of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) on nuclear cataracts; in simpler terms, this would imply that optimal Vitamin C intake could potentially slow down the degeneration of eyesight with age.
Vitamin C deprivation has been linked to bone matrix deficiencies in observational trials involving guinea pigs; this is due to the role that Vitamin C plays in collagen synthesis.
While there is still more room for research, it is well-known that bones are majorly composed of collagen. If the correlation is as significant as the studies imply, then Vitamin C supplementation may play a role in fortifying the minerals making up human skeletal structure.
Conclusion (Wrapping it up)
Vitamin C can potentially provide a plethora of amazing benefits for the body, but before diving right into a purchase, customers should carefully consider their personal lifestyle and dietary needs. Not every person will react to a megadose in the same way, so the most prudent thing to do is to start at smaller doses and then gradually scale up. You will receive the best possible results from Vitamin C if your overall activity level and dietary habits are conducive to good health.