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We all want mirrors on the walls of our new home, offices, workshops, and salons. However, when installing mirrors, drilling walls and fixing nails in them can be annoying; this is because it not only defaces the wall, the nail might also fall off at any time, hence unreliable. Take a plaster wall, for instance, if a nail is drilled into it, it will chip off the plaster, and over time, the nail will become loose and eventually fall off.

We have mirrors placed everywhere in our homes, and this, of course, is for good reasons. Some people have them mounted on the walls of their bedrooms; this is so that they can check out their faces once they get up from the bed. Others have it in their bathrooms, such that the mirror serves as their most-trusted revealer of truths while brushing or bathing. Many people have large wall mirrors at strategic places in their homes, which serves as the last assessor, just before they step out of the house.

In offices and shops, wall mirrors also play essential roles. The barbering and beauty salons, for instance, need wall mirrors as their must-have equipment. No one will work out of a salon without checking out their new look and how it perfectly fits their body. Some offices also mount a small-sized mirror in a specific manner for beautification purposes.

Since wall mirrors cannot be discarded and no one wants to lose the beauty of their walls to the harsh drills of the nails, then, everyone needs to consider alternatives. You might say that hanging it on the wall without the use of a drill is unheard of.

But there are now faster and easier ways to mount wall mirrors without having to drill or damage your wall. Some of them are discussed below.



Hanging strips are materials made of foam, which usually come in square or rectangular form, depending on the manufacturer. They come in pairs, and each one has two surfaces. The first surface has a Velcro, and the other surface has a non-staining sticky surface.

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They come in three different sizes, which are small, medium, and large. Each one of these sizes has specific weights they can bear, and you can select the appropriate one depending on the size and weight of your wall mirror.

Hanging strips come in two main variants, some have hooks and others do not. The steps to follow in properly fixing this method to mount your wall mirror using the two variants are highlighted below:



  • Clean the wall surface where you want to place the mirror. This works best with either isopropyl rubbing alcohol or tri-sodium phosphate. This two help remove stains without leaving residues. Wipe the wall surface gently until it is clean and dry.
  • Separate the pair of strips and then press the Velcro surface of the two strips against each other until you hear a clicking sound.
  • Press one of the sticky ends of the strip against one side of the mirror frame. Hold it firmly for 30 seconds, then, repeat this method for the three other sides of the mirror.
  • Place the other sticky end firmly on the clean wall and hold it in place for 30 seconds.
  • Gently detach the mirror from the wall by grabbing the bottom corner and carefully pulling it away from the wall. By this time, one part of the strip should be on the wall and the other part at the back of the mirror.
  • Press the strips on the wall firmly for 30 seconds. Then, leave it in that position for an hour. This helps the adhesive to fit firmly to the wall.
  • Carefully place the mirror back on the wall strip and hold it firmly on the wall for another 30 seconds.

If you follow this procedure carefully, your wall mirror should be perfectly mounted on the wall by now. However, if you still feel the strip is loose, remove the mirror from the wall; firmly attach the wall strip again for 30 seconds, then wait for an hour before fixing it on the wall.

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The second variant of hanging strips is the one with hooks. This also works for any wall mirror, whether small, medium or large wall mirror. The steps to follow are almost the same, except that you will attach the strips directly to the hooks instead of attaching them to the mirror frame. After an hour, you can hang your mirror on hooks making it seat perfectly on the wall. Hanging strips should only be used for there weight rating. Do not go above the recommended ratings, these type of wall mounts are not suitable for floating shelves.


There are other methods too, though this one requires making small holes into the wall, which might or might not make any remarkable dent later in life. Some of them are worth mentioning

  • Pushing thin hooks into the Walls: This carries large wall mirrors better; however, they leave tiny holes on the wall, if you do not mind, then, you should consider this for your large wall mirrors. They work best in salons and offices as well as other areas that use large wall mirrors.
  • Using Brick Clasps: This is another alternative to hooks and strips. These also have hooks that create tiny holes in the wall. However, they are more advisable for smaller mirrors. They can be used anywhere; could be at home or in the offices.

On a concluding note, wall mirrors are not necessary evils anymore, now that we know how best to mount them without messing up our beautiful structure. You should try these methods out, and you will find out they are better options.