Packing Tips for Moving In a Hurry

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Sometimes your moving plan doesn’t work out the way you want it to, and it’s natural to feel skeptical. As we manage so many aspects of our lives in one go, it’s hard to keep tabs on everything around us. In an ideal world, you’d have all the time in the world to take care of your things. However, when it comes to packing, there never seems to be enough time. So if you’re in a dilemma where your deadline is looming, and you haven’t gotten around to packing, this article is for you. Here’s how you can still make a move even when you’re in a hurry to pack everything properly:


  • Get Logical

You’re at a point where you know it’s physically impossible for you to pack everything on your own. Not only are you pressed for time, but packing will also take way longer than necessary, and you don’t have the energy to get everything in a few boxes. So if you wish to help yourself out, you need to call the moving company. You know you can’t do this on your own and need help. If you’re living in Seattle, you’re in for a treat. Despite being smaller than most major cities, it has some of the best moving companies in the business. All you need to do is Google, for example ‘moving services Seattle near me’, and you will find a list of professional movers who can come and help you pack. What may take you a few hours, they will accomplish in a few minutes. So not only will you save time, you may manage to get your life into a few essential boxes. 


  • Invest In A Storage Space

You should get a storage space in the city or state you’ll be moving to. If you’re moving in an emergency, all you have to do is move everything into storage since you wouldn’t want to enter your new house with clutter. When your stuff is safely stored, you can revisit it later and take care of all your items. So, if you got nothing done when it comes to your packing, make sure you at least have storage waiting for you. 


  • Get Rid Of Everything You Don’t Need

Think impromptu de-clutter. You know you can’t assemble furniture and other items that you can buy fast enough. So it would help if you made some serious decisions. What can you take away with you, and what can you buy again. Don’t try to hasten the process by trying to take all the furniture with you. It isn’t practical and will only make your moving process more hectic. So give yourself a break and stick to rare furniture pieces you got for yourself and you’re fond of. Any item you know you can live without can go. 

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  • Have A Moving Bag

Another tip is to throw together a moving bag to hold all your essential items such as clothes and hangers and the immediate products you’ll need. Suppose you need to leave behind different products at home and when you move to your new place you should look into shopping right away. You can even keep the money for new products and get working on building your new house right away.


  • Have An Emergency Plan

You can also ensure that all your furniture moves with you by hiring a moving company twice. While this may cost you extra, it’s worth losing everything you own. While one moving truck is helping you move, you may need to make another round trip back and get more of your household items. However, before you deploy this method, make sure you have a budget in place if the cost of going back and bringing things back costs more. Then consider buying new furniture altogether. 


  • Wrap Soft Items In Socks

Right now, you’re racing against time, which means you don’t have the time to buy bubble wrap. It means you need to have clothing at hand that can take care of your breakables. Socks, especially winter socks, are perfect for this purpose. They are thick and soft and can wrap quickly around your glasses. So putting items into a sock and tossing them into a box is what you need to prevent breakage. You can do this method for any fragile item.


  • Toss Clothes As They Are

Don’t try to be cute and fold your clothes; instead, save time by keeping clothes as they are. You can do this by opening a suitcase and launching your clothes right into it. You can utilize items on hangers by shoving them into a garbage bag in the standing position. You can also do this for dresses by keeping them intact and simply picking each drawer and tossing it in packing materials. Or you may leave the entire dresser as it is and not try heavy lifting.

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  • Show Vulnerability 

Moving is a huge process, particularly when it has an emergency connotation attached to it. And so, lean on friends or family for their help. Having one or more helpers can help you stay on schedule and makes it easier for you to sort your house. You also get over-packing quickly and control the probably rising anxiety. However, while asking for help, don’t forget to thank those who took the time for you. Maybe you can throw them a party, share a meal with them and treat them to cupcakes to keep them happy. Asking for help is not wrong but not showing appreciation is. 


  • Make Traveling Arrangements

It would help if you moved with your movers, but you may need to stay behind and move slightly later in emergencies. You may need to coordinate with your movers on the driving timeline and how you’re falling behind, but they should get there on time. Let them reach before you do. If you need to travel far away, get a plane. If you still insist on going by road, ensure you calculate the distance and prepare accordingly. You may need to book a hotel overnight or rent a bigger car. Sometimes, movers may delay in bringing your things. So, it would help if you looked into temporary housing before you settle in.


  • Dive Into Emergency Funds

So you can’t create a budget? It’s okay to spoil your savings a bit and dip into them. You can’t control every aspect of your plan in emergencies, so allow yourself a little leeway. You need to pay movers and for your new place so make sure you have money at hand. Consider loaning from a friend if you can’t make it happen right away but don’t put off payments. It will only make things harder for you as you accumulate more bills than necessary.

Wrap up 

Emergency moving is never a good idea – there is too much anxiety. However, sometimes you can’t help it, and it happens when you’re not prepared for the worst possible scenario and push your luck. But every situation is remedial. All you need is to get swift on your feet and get to work right away. It means asking for help, diving into your savings, and ensuring you make all payments on time. You may need to keep separate traveling for yourself if you can’t move with your movers on time.