7 Tips for Working in the Backyard

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Walking in a garden, after a long day of work, has the potential to reenergize you right away.

The feeling of soft, fresh grass under your feet, the view of brightly colored flowers and bright green leaves all around, and the smell of a freshly mowed lawn is the perfect cure for a tired mind and body combo.

Relaxation and your garden

Just the thought of getting home and relaxing in, in your well-maintained garden with an exciting book in one hand and a cup of hot tea in the other can make you feel a lot better.

Especially when you return all tired after spending hours in the office, hunching over a computer.

Spending an hour or two – or even a few minutes – relaxing and unwinding in your backyard is one of the most comfortable and most convenient ways to rejuvenate your physical and mental self, not to mention a remarkably economical one as well.

Once you have taken care of a few underlying problems, maintaining your backyard will be a breeze

For this reason, we have curated a list of small things that you could do to keep your backyard looking as lusciously green as ever.

These tips are garnered explicitly to those who find it troublesome to spend hours of their time, gardening on a working day.

To employ these basic tricks, all you need is a weekend of dedicated hard work to set your garden to rights, and then only a few minutes each day to keep it looking its best self. Let’s begin.

1.    Before you start on the project, draw out a plan

For any project, the planning, detailing, and preparation of the task is the essential part of the work.

The final result of the venture you have just undertaken can only be as good as the scheme you have drawn out for it.

Similarly, before you get on reviving the dead grass of your backyard, you need first to picture what you want the finished product to look like.

Do you want to change up the landscape a little and include a stylish Riverina swimming pools? Would you benefit from installing a few sprinklers in the area?

Do you want to trim your law, and extend the space where you park your car? Or do you want to do the opposite and make the garden a little bit bigger?

Imagine the final look in your head and translate it on paper before starting.

If you do not want to modify the lawn to that extent and think just edging your patch and mowing away the overgrowth to give it a neater look will be enough, you could still benefit from detailing your aim on paper. Preparing a plan of action before taking on the activity keeps you disciplined, motivated, and transparent in your goals.

2.    Choose the best time

The second thing you need to consider, before you start the activity is working out the time and weather that will be the best for it.

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When you are planting new seeds, there is usually a specific time that is optimal for their growth and gives the young plants the least challenges growing up. Though this time varies for each different type of plants, most of them fall in between late summer and early fall.

This is when the young plants are neither quickly dehydrated by the high heat of mid-summer, and also have ample time to establish themselves before they have to face the full intensity of the next winter season.

These moderate temperature conditions are the most favorable for new seeds to sprout, as well as new plants to gain some structure.

3.    Eliminate the competition

So, now that you have figured out what you want and picked out the correct time to revive your backyard, it is time to get to some weeding.

Over time, your backyard can start growing species of plants that you did not plant there. These weeds will quickly take over large areas of your land and grow to tremendous heights. Because this wild growth thrives on the same nutrients and water as your roses, luscious green grass, and other plants you have been trying to grow, it creates competition for these resources.

Because of this, your plants will have limited resources available to them. This is especially detrimental for younger plants that have a greater need for these nutrients to survive but do not have the surface area to sufficiently provide for these needs – that is, unless you get rid of the competition.

You can eliminate this new competition either by pulling out the unwanted growth by hand or by spraying on a herbicide that is specific for the weeds – such as a crabgrass killer – and does not harm your plants. Some weed killers can even be applied during watering, minimizing the effort and time you have to put in the procedure.

4.    Make the soil friendlier for your little saplings

It is prevalent for lawns to become compact and jammed up, especially after an intense summer. This happens because the high temperatures evaporate the moisture in the soil, and as a result, it becomes hard and tightly packed, stopping the way of air and water into the ground. When this happens, you will need to aerate your lawn.

Use a long pronged aerator or garden fork to loosen up the soil a little bit. This does not only allow your backyard to breathe again and replenishes the nutrients into the soil, but also makes it easier for the fragile roots of your young plants to take hold of the earth and stabilize themselves.

5.    Throw in some yummy nourishment

When you are done providing the oxygen to the soil, it is time to throw in the other necessary nutrients as well. Feeding your lawn with fertilizer is exceptionally crucial for a healthy and green backyard. It makes sure that your tiny plants will have everything they need to grow strong and as of right as rain.

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There are several types of fertilizers available in the market, and the kind that you need depends on the nature of the soil that tops your lawn.

Use a fertilizer that is rich in all the nutrients that your soil lacks or the ones that the plant you are trying to grow needs. You can even make a natural compost pile at home to save the environment and your money.

6.    Plant the seed as evenly as possible

After you have ensured that the soil is as friendly to your plants as possible, you can then go ahead and seed your garden, as well as plant little saplings in the area.

If your lawn is a small one, just throwing handfuls of seeds in the area will be enough. However, for the backyards that are on the bigger side, we recommend renting out a seed distributor for a few hours to ensure the seed has spread as evenly as possible.

Run a metal rake lightly over the surface after seeding to guarantee maximum contact with the soil.

7.    Invest a few minutes every day to keep up with the progress

Last but certainly not least, you need to spend some time every day to make sure your lawn is going in the direction that you want it to.

Spend fifteen minutes walking in your garden and examining the condition as you sip on your morning coffee. Pull out the couple of weeds that sprouted, water the plants that look dehydrated, and tell them that they are doing an excellent job growing. The more love you pour into caring for your lawn, the greener it will be to welcome you home after a long day at work.

The final word

Is your backyard looking too down and yellowed?

If yes, then right now is the perfect time to give it a complete makeover. Apply the above tips to your green patch over the weekend to transform it from an abandoned yard from a horror movie to a luscious, Pinterest worthy lawn that every passer-by cannot help but admire.

Got any other tips to revitalizing a dead and barren yard? Comment down below and let us know what you do for lawn care.

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Author Bio:
About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs. You can find her on TwitterLinkedInFacebook