Squash Rackets: Beginners Guide to Choosing Strings, Throat, Tension

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When it comes to choosing the right quality squash racket if your like most people you probably have no idea where to start. That is why we came up with this buying guide. There are differences between racket brands and models. The main options that change are stiffness, string patterns, strings, weight, or head size.

squash racket

Here are some key factors that you need to take into consideration before you buy a squash racket:

Racket throat shape

The shape of the racket throat is a feature you need to consider when buying a squash racket, and it falls into two categories. The two types of racket throat shape include the opened and the closed throat squash racket.


Open throat or a teardrop style of Head

The beam splits out of the teardrop style of Head.

Pros: The main benefit of this type of racket throat shape is that it helps the Racket to offer more power and a larger sweet spot.

Cons: On the other hand, the downside of this Racket is that it is less easy to control.

Closed throat or bridge racket squash racket

The other type of racket throat shape has shorter strings.

Pro: These shorter strings give the Racket a greater control, reduced power, and a smaller sweet spot. This Racket is an excellent racket to have, but it is more useful to a more skilled and stronger player.

Con: smaller sweet spot, better for experienced players

Squash racket string

When it comes to the Strings of the squash racket, a lot of science comes into play. Most of the Rackets you will find in the market come pre-strung with a relatively basic string of about 26-28lbs, but these might not be the best Strings for you.

When you have a squash racket with high-quality strings, it offers you more feel and grip of the ball. The Strings may not necessarily be the most durable because some have a finer gauge than others. The size of the string will change the control of the ball.

There is often a misconception that the tighter you string a racket, the more the power you get. But the truth is that the reverse is the case. A tighter or higher string tension you have the less energy is transferred to the ball, but you have more control. The strings work as a trampoline, the ball comes in contact with the racket, stretches and then forces the ball out with more energy.

A lot of the factory strings you will find out there are of basic-synthetic that is why many customers opt for a custom restring. But if you are going to go for a custom restring, there are two essential things you need to have in the back of your mind, which includes:

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Squash racket tension

Tension:  every player should know that the tighter the strings are, the easier it will be to control the racket. On the other hand, if the strings are loose, then you’ll need more power. When the strings are not tight, it will bend easily; thus, you can launch the ball off with ease. The sweet spot where you have enough power and control will be somewhere in the middle. The strings will be rated for a certain weight and you can adjust them based on your skill level.

High Tension = above 28 pounds, this is for high control and low power

Medium Tension= 24-27 pounds, this is a great rand for beginners. It gives a good balance of tension and control.

Medium Loose = 22-24 pounds is for hard hitters. If you like to play with a lot of power, but not loose to much control.

Loosey Goosey = Under 21 pounds, usually only used by very particular players or professionals that have exceptional ball control.


So, in general, the tension of a squash racket is essential. Each Racket comes with specific recommendations when it comes to squash racket strings. There is a list of recommendations on the racket throat.

Squash String Thickness

Thickness: The racket strings thickness is another essential factor. The thinner the Strings, the more likely for it to bend, which will give you more control. Concurrently, the thinner the String, the more spin you get..

Thinner strings allow you to obtain more power and better spin control. But with all these benefits you’d wonder why some people still hesitate to choose these strings. Well, their choice is because thinner Strings are more likely to break. So, if you go for a thinner String because of the benefit, have it in mind that you may need to replace it more often which can be expensive and quite inconvenient.

Typically, when it comes to your squash racket string thickness,

  • 1mm is thin, which offers more power but is not very durable.
  • 2mm is mediumly thick
  • 3mm is considered thick


Different styles of strings

When considered different styles of String, there are three types:

Natural Gut:

When you want to opt-in for a form of string professional players use, then this is for you. This style of String has a good feeling when you play with it, although it also comes with a high price tag.


This style of strings are all known as the synthetic gut. They are the most popular String, and they also play well. Multifilament’s are similar to the natural gut, but the difference is that they last longer.



If you’re the kind of player that break string too frequently, this style of strings are best for you. However, the downside of this String is that they are less comfortable. Its use is mainly for the main String for synthetic gut across.

The estimated cost to restring a squash racket varys greatly in different areas

The price of restringing a squash racket is different for different regions and service providers. Here are some go-to places you can have your squash racket restrung.

UKRSA: Between $14 – $20, depending on the Racket and type of String you want

Rackets Express: Between $18 – $32 depending on the Racket and type of String you want to use

Baiardo: Between £15 – £20 depending on the Racket and type of String

String That Thing: Between $10 – $39.95 depending on the Racket and type of String

Your Racket Restring: Between £2 – £11 depending on the kind of service you want

London Strings: Starting from $15 depending on the type of Racket and String

Worton’s Rackets Stringing: Restringing price ranges from £8 – £35

Jcsquash: Price ranges from £17 – £23

Courtside Stringing: The cost of restringing if you bring the strings is $15

A1 Services: Price for restringing is between $25 – $45

What is the beam and grip of the Racket

Generally, the beam-width of a squash racket is about 16-21mm. It is essential to choose the right beam because it is often recommended to use thinner Beam only as a skilled player. On the other hand, thicker Beams are best for less experienced players.

Similarly, all squash racket has the same size of the grip. Nonetheless, there are a couple of ways you can build the grip to best suit your size:

  1. To prevent the Racket from slipping from the hand, add a replacement grip so it can provide more grip
  2. Use a thin replacement grip to make it easier for you to hold
  3. Use a soft replacement grip, so you don’t get sore on your hand from the grip
  4. You could also add it over the existing grip, so you don’t need to struggle removing the current grip

Balance of a racket and why it’s so important

The balance of a Racket has more to do with the person because some people like the head heavy while others don’t. Some players prefer an evenly balanced Racket which is the best.  Although a massive head racket will give the Racket more power obviously; however, the player will have less control. But when you opt-in for a balanced Racket, it leaves you in the middle of racket control and power.