WordPress Hosting

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WordPress is an outstanding and popular platform in the world of technology and the internet. Web developers and bloggers are among the top groups that use WordPress to create an open-source content management system. Over 27% of the websites and blogs accessible on the internet were developed using this software. This management system is sometimes regarded as the simplest software available for creating websites and blogs. PHP is the scripting language adopted for creating contents on WordPress.

One incredible and interesting aspect of WordPress is that users can have full access to all the features available. This is why it is the preferred option for developing contents for websites and blogs. The user-interface is friendly and easy to understand. 

We can simply refer to WordPress Hosting as a web hosting product designed for the augmentation of WordPress. You can modify the order from its custom panel, as it is pre-installed in the WordPress software. This web hosting delivers top speed performance of WordPress, automatic updates, advanced security system, and backup. 


What Is Unique About The WordPress Hosting?

You may wonder the difference between the WordPress Hosting and other types of hosting such as Shared Hosting. Why would you recommend the WordPress hosting to web developers and bloggers, instead of other types? First, users are certain that WordPress hosting offers websites and blogs an advanced interface that delivers optimum security and performance. Another unique feature of the WordPress hosting is that it is specially built to support WordPress websites, as it is majorly developed on WordPress cloud hosting. 



Features Of WordPress Hosting

There are certain specifications that your WordPress hosting setup should have. These qualities distinguish them from all other types of hosting. It is also imperative that users also understand the features of WordPress Hosting that offers diverse benefits when creating content for their websites and blogs. We may not cover all the unique features, but the following are among the top specifications of WordPress Hosting.



  • Location of Servers: Normally, the processing speed of blogs and websites is faster when the location of the server is geographically close. Most persons do not give concern to the location of the servers or data centres that hosts their blogs and website. Some often believe that several hosting services are similar with regards to the data centre location. Quite some number of other persons also presume that all web hosting services should deliver the same level of performance, regardless of the proximity of the servers to the hosting service. These are wrong assumptions. Unlike most other hosting services, WordPress provides a separate server for every blog or website hosted. This helps to support the performance and improve the speed of your site especially when you are focusing on a particular country. 



  • Free Plugins: These are important features of any web hosting service. Different web hosts often offer plugins to their users; however, most of these plugins do not offer any real benefit. Most clients of web hosting services often desire to access free plugins that improves the performance of the website, as well as provide a high level of security. WordPress hosting has several plugins that offer quality and real benefits to its users. These plugins can help increase the traffic or the site and deploy the use of strong passwords. Other benefits from this feature include spam protection, SEO, and other optimization functions. With the plugins available on WordPress hosting, clients are secure from hacking and malware. WP Smush, a WordPress plugin, offers added advantage by increasing the quality of images on your blog or website. 
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  • Technologies for Speed and Performance: One of the factors that causes a decline in business and the number of people who visit your website is the delay in page loading. This is also a function of the web hosting of your website or blog. Hence, it is essential to adopt a host that offers the architecture or technology that enhances the performance and speed of your site. Most hosting service providers do not have suitable technologies that offers the desired speed. However, WordPress hosting is built with some of the best architectures that provides optimum performance. Some of these technologies are PHP7 and Nginx. 




  • Sandbox: This is an outstanding feature of WordPress hosting. This feature allows users to create an exact replica of the website or blog. The sandbox, also called staging area, serves as a background test environment on WordPress where users can modify and run tests to improve on their website or blog. This is achieved without having to experience a downtime. This feature also helps to ensure that you identify any error on your site and see how it operates. It permits you to tweak things without having to bring down the site completely, thereby incurring loss in business or losing traffic. 



  • Migration Support: This is more than any form of conventional customer support. Having free migration support is an important feature of every web hosting service. This feature allows users to move their web contents from one host to the other. WordPress hosting offers migration support that assists users by assigning a new provisional domain while moving their website to a new host. Besides the continual operation of the blog or website, WordPress also ensures that the transfer to the new host is secure and safe. 



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Cloud Support Of WordPress Hosting

WordPress Hosting offers clients an open-source management system of building their websites and blogs through different cloud support platforms. Some of the notable and best cloud supports available on the WordPress hosting are their features are listed below: 



  • Siteground: This is one of the frontiers and rising servers in the WordPress hosting and Linux is its operating service. This cloud support offers a basic storage plan of 40GB SSD and gives free domain name for a year. It also allows automatic updates of your website and blogs to the latest WordPress version. The installation process of the cloud support system is simple, as it has a one-click installer. More than 500,000 domains all over the world are hosted on this server. The pricing system ranges from $80 to $240 monthly for different levels – entry to the highest level. 



  • Bluehost: Among all the cloud support or servers on WordPress hosting, this offers one of the cheapest services. You can enjoy a wide range of functions and benefits at a much affordable price. It also has a refund policy that pays back clients who are dissatisfied with the services provided. Bluehost also allows users to add adverts from google on the websites. It has an integrated caching system and an automatic monitoring system. The design of this server is user-friendly and easy to use and comprehend. The pricing of the Bluehost cloud support is between the range of about $7 and $16 for starters and professionals respectively. 
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  • HostGator: This is one of the most preferred WordPress cloud support or server. This is because it offers a perfect hosting service and has features that suits nearly all users. HostGator provides all-round-the-clock customer assistance to its clients, providing them with all they need to build an exceptional website or blog. It also delivers an advanced function of a virtual private server (VPS) and great hardware from AMD and Intel. HostGator also provides diverse layers of security and ensures optimum reliability for its users. Clients also enjoy the weekly backups of the open-source content on their websites and blogs. The operating services of HostGator are Windows and Linux. 



  • Cloudways: Another reliable type of WordPress Hosting cloud support is Cloudways. It is one of the best servers that you can host your websites and blogs. The cloud support offers services that the loading time and efficiency optimization. Cloudways provide 24/7 support to users. This server also allows clients to create their websites and blogs using CMS and PHP frameworks. It is integrated with WooCommerce and has a one-click feature that installs within minutes.  



CDN Support For WordPress Hosting

Most people often face the challenge of pages loading slowly on their websites or blogs. This is handled by the integration of a content delivery network (CDN) on your WordPress site. A CDN support helps to increase the speed of your websites and blogs. Some of the best CDN supports for WordPress hosting include:



  • Stackpath: Among all CDN support services for WordPress; this is one of the widely known. It was formerly known as MaxCDN. Stackpath improves the performance of your sites by augmenting with the WordPress cache plugins. It has a strong and efficient control panel that allows you to regulate various cache options on your website. It is perfectly suited for those with an interest in SEO.



  • Cloudflare Global CDN: This is another popular CDN support for WordPress. It enhances the page delivery system of your website thereby making it operate faster and optimally. Cloudflare also provides an advanced level of security that wards off cyber hackers and online threats. It helps to reduce congestion on websites by routing traffic. 



  • KeyCDN: This cloud support offers top-rated technology features and provides full optimization of the performance of websites and blogs. A high level of security is also provided on this server. 



  • Rackspace: This is an excellent and credible cloud support for WordPress. It allows upload files and videos with large sizes. 




WordPress hosting is an outstanding platform that offers you unique features to build websites and blogs for your business and products. With its cloud support and CDN support, your sites can have optimum performance and speed.