Effective Methods to Get Rid of Eczema

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Eczema is a skin disease where your skin’s patches become inflamed, itchy, cracked, or rough. Blisters can also be caused because of eczema. 


It is a very common type of dermatitis that is seen among many people across the world. The term atopic is a collection of conditions that involve the immune system, including atopic dermatitis, asthma, and high fever. The word dermatitis basically means skin inflammation. 

Eczema on arm


Food like nuts and dairy consumables can trigger eczema symptoms. Moreover, environmental factors like smoke, pollen, and soap fragrance also can trigger eczema. Some people can outgrow the condition, whereas others will continue to have it throughout their adulthood.


Here you can get some ideas about effective treatment and remedies for Eczema. 


Methods of Getting Rid of Eczema


Yet, eczema has no cure. Mainly through treatment, the symptoms are kept under control.


Based on one’s age, symptoms, and health condition, doctors will suggest treatments. Some can prevent this condition over time; for others, it is a long battle. 


Below you can get some treatment ideas for eczema. 




Doctors normally prescribe some common medications, these are:

  • Topical corticosteroid creams and ointments:  These are the main medications for anti-inflammatory and relieve inflammation and itchiness. These creams or ointments are directly used on the skin. 


  • Systemic corticosteroids:  Doctors also prescribe systemic corticosteroids when topical treatments are not sufficient. You can get these treatments through oral tablets or injections. These are suitable treatments only for a short time. If a person has not already taken some other medications, then the symptoms may get worse by stopping this treatment. 


  • Antibiotics:  Some antibiotics are also effective for eczema. 


  • Antiviral and antifungal medications: These medicines help to prevent fungal and various infections from the skin. 


  • Antihistamines: As they tend to cause drowsiness, These can reduce the risk of nighttime scratching.


  • Topical calcineurin inhibitors: This drug suppresses the activities of the immune system. It decreases inflammation and helps prevent flares.


  • Barrier repair moisturizers: These reduce water loss and work to repair the skin.


Light therapy


This method is also known as phototherapy. Through ultraviolet light, light therapy helps to expose the affected areas of skin. UV light influences cell division and inhibits the inflammatory response in the skin. The treatment is taken with fluorescent lamps that emit light of a certain wavelength in a special cabin. There are also some lamps which work individually for the hand, head, or feet. For this purpose, tanning beds cannot be used. It normally takes two to six seasons for treatment. The dose is increased slowly on the patients to gradually allow the skin to get used to the radiates. It takes less than a minute at first and up to several minutes toward the end.

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Natural therapy: 


Colloidal oatmeal


Colloidal oatmeal is one kind of finely-ground oats. It is available in both cream and powder. For inflamed skin, it helps to soften and calm. 




  1. To Make skin soften and relieve itching, add the powder to lukewarm bath water and soak for 10 to 15 minutes
  2. Use a thick layer of Hypoallergenic moisturizer after your bath. 


Evening primrose oil


From Evening primrose plants, this oil comes. It is used for soothing your irritated skin. It is used to treat systemic inflammatory conditions such as eczema when taken by mouth. It has omega-6 fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid, which may help to prevent inflammation in the body. The result is mixed, some get help from eczema symptoms without side effects, and some are not. 


Coconut oil


Coconut oil is an effective and common natural moisturizer. It helps to prevent infection because of the ability of antibacterial. It can reduce staph bacteria from the skin. Inflamed skin’s patches may crack and ooze, allowing bacteria to enter, so this is important for people with eczema to remove those bacteria. Try to choose virgin or cold-pressed coconut oil for the treatment.


Sunflower Oil


Sunflower oil protects the skin’s outer layer, which helps keep moisture in and bacteria out. It also helps to relieve itching and inflammation by hydrating the skin. It uses undiluted, directly to the skin, preferably after bathing while the skin is still damp. 

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Calendula cream


To heal skin inflammation, burns, and cuts, calendula cream has been used for centuries as a folk remedy. It helps to hydrate skin, fight from infections, improve blood flow to the areas of injuries or inflammation. But many research says that it is not that effective.


Acupuncture and acupressure


It uses fine needles inserted at specific points in the body to alter the flow of energy. Although more research is needed, some finding trusted sources believe that it is helpful to relieve itching. 


Acupressure is almost the same as acupuncture, except it uses the fingers and hands to apply pressure instead of needles. Preliminary researchTrusted Source has shown that acupressure might relieve eczema-related itchy skin.


 Relaxation techniques


Stress is a common factor for eczema. However, it is not clear exactly why stress plays a role in developing inflammation. Learning to cope with stressful situations using relaxation techniques may help reduce eczema flare-ups.

Relaxation techniques that may help include:


Diet and Eczema


Diet and eczema is a controversial topic. There is no proven research that certain foods will directly cause eczema. Basically, people who have severe eczema and have strong allergies are more likely to develop eczema, though it is not the same as immunological reactions. Allergic food should avoid reducing the risk of having eczema. Usually, a healthy diet helps improve skin conditions. The omega-3 fatty acid is very helpful; to develop skin and fight inflammation, taking a proper diet may reduce skin eczema. 




When Should You Take doctors’ help?

When you feel pain oozing and crusting on your skin, go to consult a doctor. It can often become infected by bacteria. Without the doctor’s suggestion, don’t take any medication. It may cause harm. 


When your home remedies won’t work for eczema your prescribed medicine will help to reduce that. So if you face many problems because of it, don’t be let. Consult with your doctor immediately. Otherwise, it will be a lifelong problem for your skin.